July 8, 2007
In Iraq we face an enemy that is willing to use brutal torture and terror tactics. This link to a post by a reporter in Iraq, Michael Yon, describes some of the most apalling and disgusting deeds I've ever heard of humans perpetrating upon each other. The terrorists in Iraq are willing to do that to Iraqis who disagree with them, and should they get the chance, they would not hesitate to do it to us, their worst enemies.
The link also describes how Iraqis have realized something that some highly educated experts and politicians from Ivy League don't seem to have realized: this is not a war for oil. As Yon puts it, "It clearly would have been cheaper just to buy the oil or invade somewhere easier that has more." The Iraqis are also believing us when we say that we want truth and justice to prevail in their land, and we aren't imperialist cowboy conquerors.
If we really were awful warmongering thugs, wouldn't the people of Iraq know that? Why is our media so sure that we're losing the trust of the Iraqi people, that we're losing the war on terrorism? Withdrawing our troops, as many major political figures advise doing, will definitely result in a loss for us- we would leave while al-Qaeda would remain to commit atrocities on the Iraqi people, or perhaps they would come closer to our shores and commit atrocities there.
What will happen if we stay? That's impossible to know.
Just recently, we were celebrating our Independence Day. If many people and nations hadn't given their time, their energy, their money, guns, ships, food, clothing, military training, and battlefield intelligence to us, we would not be enjoying the freedom and prosperity we now enjoy.
In memory of all those long-dead people who helped us to stand, let's defend the Iraqis, and give them a chance to stand on their own two feet.