May 26, 2008
Memorial Day 2008 Posting
Let's make sure to vote this November.
Voting is one of the ways that we most honor those who have fought for our rights, and given our lives for them. The reason that we have choices in who to vote for, different parties that we can vote for, is because of veterans.
Not so long ago, we were confronted with nations around the world that wanted us to have only one party in our nation, the Communist Party, which would control all. We wouldn't get to have debates between Republicans and Democrats, or the ability to vote for who we really thought was right. Instead, we'd have to live with whatever the Communist Party said. What it said would go, in every area of life - how we worshipped, where and when our military went overseas, what we may or may not say in public.
Only a short time before that, we were faced with a different party, the Nazi Party, which took it upon itself to conquer the world and determine who was worthy of living and who was not, what cultures deserved to survive and which did not. Under that rule, there was no freedom to be different, and no rights to life or liberty or happiness.
It is our soldiers who delivered us from these fates. It is because of them that we get to choose our leaders, even when we don't like them very much, and kick our officials out of office when their conduct is outrageous. It is because of our warriors that we have a right to life and liberty and happiness, and the freedom to help others pursue those rights. It is because of our military that we can choose the parties and laws that have proven themselves in debate to be the best for our nation, and not fear reprisals from political opponents.
So many of our soldiers have given so much, so many have died as well, in order to give us those rights and freedoms. Let us use them this November. Let us use them well this November. Let us think and remember as we vote of what it cost, and let us resolve to do our part. Our part is to thank our military and the "honored dead," to cherish our freedoms and teach them to the next generation, and then use our freedoms wisely, to continue and even improve the United States further. If we do that, future generations can enjoy the rights we have, and serve as an example to all the world, offering hope that freedom is a real possibility.
Thank you to those living and dead who have given us freedom. Let's make sure we pass it on.