June 26, 2009
Will Iran Come to Freedom?
I am not sure what the protests currently occuring in Iran will result in, but I am hoping for the best. For too long has that nation been ruled by evil people who have openly advocated, funded, and worked towards the murder of neighboring nations. I hope to see a new future for Iran, one which involves freedom instead of tyranny, in which it can reject hatred and stand together with its neighbors and lead them towards freedom, instead of training murderers to blow up innocents. If that happens, then I think major strides can be made towards true peace in the Middle East - not the absence of conflict, but harmonious coexistence.
It's hard to know what to do about it from here. What can any one person do when people halfway around the world are struggling mightily, and have a chance for freedom? We can pray, and we can call evil by its true name. Those two actions alone have worked wonders in the past, and they are the right thing to do whether or not results turn out as we hope they will.
Iran, we are waiting for you to join us in freedom. Come as soon as you can.