June 24, 2010
The Same Government That Runs Health Care...
Larger amounts of oil are now beginning to hit Pensacola, Florida.
This means that the irresponsible and misleading media circus for the past two months or so has been a bigger problem for tourism than has the actual oil. If you believed the impressions of the mainstream media, you'd probably think that every beach in Florida has had a problem for the past two months, or was about to get a problem any day now. Gulf Coast states have been forced to buy advertising to fight these false impressions. I wonder if television and newspaper outlets will be forced to set up compensation funds?
The federal government wants all kinds of compensation funds to be made by private corporations, but I'm guessing that the federal government will never so much as take responsibility for the problems caused by its inaction and refusal to allow state governments to act in this crisis. So basically the federal government will hang on to its power and never give people the accountability that it promised us or demanded from others, and the results of the government's actions will be problems that ordinary people find it difficult to solve on their own. And people wondered why we were so worried about the federal government taking over health care!