May 27, 2019
Memorial Day
It's difficult to contemplate someone giving his life for us. We can barely conceive of one individual giving his life for another, and even then we wonder how anyone could conjure up the resolve to cut short his own future and bereave his own family so another human could have a long future and a whole family. When we try to conceive of someone giving his life for comrades and fellow citizens and future citizens, very few of whom he knows, and all of whom might well fail at their objectives and scorn his sacrifice, it grows very difficult to understand. When we realize how often we've turned into license the liberty which was bought at such cost, we may wonder why anyone would sacrifice anything for us.
Yet that is the fortunate and terrible privilege we have - to stand here today, recipients of sacrifices we may never deserve. When we have the privilege of talking to the people in the military, they consistently talk of being glad to serve, to do their duty and their part. That attitude alone is one we should be very grateful for, and one we could consider emulating.
The mere thought of living worthy of a life cut short is a daunting one. But people have found it worth it to sacrifice for us - so let's appreciate them and their families and friends. The honored dead thought it worthwhile to sacrifice so that we could have a future of liberty. We can't ever earn these sacrifices - but one never tries to work for a gift, or for love. One receives - and reciprocates - and enjoys - and is generous to others.
They lived well for our sakes. Let's live well for theirs.