September 5, 2022
Labor Day
Labor is what transforms ideas and dreams into reality. Ideas are important, and so is labor. Simply take the example of buildings: labor was needed to make all of them. From the wonderful to the practical, life-saving to entertaining, those buildings and many more all came about, and are maintained, by labor. Our lives are greatly improved by labor, and we set aside this day to honor laborers.
But how should we honor them on other days? For many laborers, our neighbors and friends, labor under heavy burdens that we are imposing on them. From ensnaring regulations to vilification if they won't undergo certain medical procedures, we seem to be creating new ways to make laborers' lives harder. This is wrong-headed, and simply wrong. Why are we treating in this way our fellow citizens and those whom we so desperately need?
We cannot help the situations we start in, but we are held responsible for not trying to improve them for others. Laborers improve our situations in many ways. Let's think about ways to improve theirs. We may become more just to everyone along the way.