May 27, 2024
Memorial Day
Today we remember people who gave their lives for us. They took the awful risk knowing what might happen to them, and knew they would leave behind much pain. By doing so, they entrusted to us the future, and helped us gain a world where we have many opportunities. We don't always make the best of those opportunities.
Lately, we've chosen to fear our neighbors, to the extent that we wish to cast them into virtual exiles, unable to communicate with each other or us. We've chosen to fear what others think of us, ceding our own minds rather than be caught in public with a regressive thought. We've forsaken God and truth so we can follow trusted voices whose pronouncements measurably differ over time.
Nevertheless, I still hope that we will begin to use our opportunities correctly. I hope that we will reject the thought that we need to spy on each other to keep ourselves safe, that we will reject the vaporizing of ideas that suggest we are making a mistake, and that we will reject trusted experts who tell us that we need remove people's ability to choose certain candidates in order to preserve people's ability to choose certain candidates.
Finally, let's remember the fallen, and those who survive them.